Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Ballet & Beats

The girls started their very first ballet class on Tuesday night.  The class is called Ballet & Beats and it is being offered through the Spring Hill Recreation Center.  It is an introductory class, teaching the kids beginning ballet steps.  The instructor takes the last ten minutes and teaches the class some up tempo dance steps as well.  Emilie's class was first and then Ainslie's class followed right after.  They both LOVED it and can't wait to go back next week.
Showing me their best ballet moves at home before leaving for class!
 Ready to go in!
 Em meeting the other ballet students
 Ainslie warming up while Em is still in class
 Looking good Em! (far right)
 Ainslie's turn!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Family Movie Night!

The girls love when we have family movie night!  They get to stay up later than usual, lay in their sleeping bags, and watch a movie with us.  We watched The Never Ending Story on Saturday night!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Donuts with Dads

Ainslie's school puts on a special morning called Donuts with Dads.  Dads get a chance to take their children to school and have breakfast together!  Ainslie was super excited to get to spend Friday morning with her Daddy.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Bee Mine...

We had fun making Valentine Bumblebees out of the girls hand prints last weekend.  They are too cute not to share!  Ainslie's hand is on the left and Emilie's hand is on the right.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Lucky Pic of the Week!

In love with his new bone!  ;)

Watching the Chiefs at The Gagel's!

My brother invited us over on Saturday afternoon to watch the Chiefs game and spend time together.  Despite the Chiefs loss, we had lots of food, drinks, and fun!
Andrew, photobombing us!
 Watching the game with my girl!
 Ashley made "red" rally drinks when the Chiefs were down!  Yum!
Playing Pass the Pig!  Me, Andrew, Ashley, Clint, Matt (a family friend) and his wife Jen, and Mike
Cousins!!  Andrew, Jackie, Ains, Ty, Em
 Love my Em!
 Such a fun way to spend a cold night in!

My Dinner Dates!

Ainslie was at a Birthday party on Friday night, so we took Em out to dinner!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Painting a Birdhouse...

Emilie's Aunt Ashley and Uncle Clint gave her a super cool wooden birdhouse for Christmas.  This morning was the perfect lazy morning to paint it!  ;)

New Years Eve at our House!

We host a New Years Eve party at our house every year.  It's so much fun to stay in and be with family and friends to ring in the new year!

 I loved being able to decorate our new basement for the party as well!

Every year Mike makes an adult "punch" for the party.  Here is this years!
 I bought "props" for the party this year!  They were a hit!

 Best Buds!  Ava & Em (all of the kiddos wear their pajamas)
Ashley, Clint, Mike, Ryan, Angie, Mike, Lora, Mel, Me!
 Andrew & Ashley
 Mike & Clint
 Me and My Bro!
New Years Kiss!
 Mike & Lora
 Ryan & Angie
And that's a wrap!  Sawyer didn't quite make it to midnight!  ;)