Saturday, February 22, 2014

Happy 4th Birthday Lucy!

We got invited to Ainslie's playgroup buddy, Lucy's 4th Birthday Party today at The Ceramic Cafe.  The kids painted a ceramic bowl with their initial in the bottom, gave Lucy her gifts, sang Happy Birthday, and had a Frozen themed cake!  Such a fun party!
Lucy and Ainslie painting their bowls

 Daddy helping Emme

 Time to sing!
The Birthday Girl checking out her cake!

 Molly, Emme, Lucy, and Ainslie ~ Buddies!


  1. Looks like fun! Can't get over Emilie being almost the same height as Molly in this pic!

    1. I noticed that too Emily! Lol! We have tall girls! Hope you are doing well and surviving this never ending winter! :)

  2. They are all so big!!!! It's heartbreaking. Miss you all dearly!

  3. I saw that too in the pix! So crazy! The party was so fun - and it was fun to go to dinner with you guys afterwards!! :)
