Saturday, September 8, 2012

Powell Gardens

Mike and I took the girls to Powell Gardens this morning and afternoon.  The gardens are so beautiful!  They are full of flowers, waterfalls, fairy houses, forts, pirate ships, butterflies, fruit & veggies and more!  We made sure that Ainslie took her butterfly wings so that she would feel at home!  ;)  The girls had the BEST time!

Pirate map!
Ains found the pirate ship!

So many beautiful gardens and waterfalls! 

Follow me.... 

One of the many fairy houses we found along our walk!  This one was so cool because you could draw with chalk inside!
Ainslie hard at work! 

Sand in her toes! 
Guess who found the water?! 
Apple trees everywhere! 

This way to the free food tastings!  You can taste the fresh fruits and veggies that are grown right there in the gardens!!
Daddy went for the hot peppers..... 
while Ainslie kept with the sweet peppers! 
Pretty cute duo! 


  1. Hey now that I have a blog/google ID I can comment! :) Love these pics; thanks for sharing!!

  2. Oh that's right! Very cool! You should check these gardens out if you have time before you leave us! ;)
