Tuesday, May 22, 2012

12 Month Wellness Check

Emilie had her 12 month wellness check today and she did great.  She weighs 20lbs and measures 29" tall.  She had to have several vaccinations in both thighs, which she was less than thrilled about and she let me know!  Here are some other fun stats on Miss Emilie at one year old.

She can say, Mama, Dada, and signs for "all done" when she is finished eating or doesn't want me to do something like change her diaper!  

She waves hello and goodbye, plays peek a boo, claps her hands, gives hugs and kisses (when SHE feels like it!), smiles and laughs all day long (mostly at her big sissy), dances, crawls, pulls up on everything, and can pass a ball back and forth!

She eats mostly big girl food and snacks, baby yogurt, drinks milk (no more formula, yay!) and drinks out of a sippy cup too!

Notice all of the band aids on her thighs!

1 comment:

  1. Love the update! Cracking up that she signs for ALL DONE when you are changing her diaper - she's so stinkin' cute!
